Daily Archives: Sunday, 28 July, 2013, 10:18pm

Day 1092 – 又一次~生日快樂!

≫ 又一次~生日快樂!



Happy 3rd birthday! 三歲生日!Gift from mum and dad! A drawing board! 爸爸媽咪給的禮物!小畫板!
Happy 3rd birthday! 三歲生日!Gift from mum and dad! A drawing board! 爸爸媽咪給的禮物!小畫板!
Happy 3rd birthday! 三歲生日!Gift from mum and dad! A drawing board! 爸爸媽咪給的禮物!小畫板!
Happy 3rd birthday! 三歲生日!Gift from mum and dad! A drawing board! 爸爸媽咪給的禮物!小畫板!
Happy 3rd birthday! 三歲生日!Gift from mum and dad! A drawing board! 爸爸媽咪給的禮物!小畫板!
Happy 3rd birthday! 三歲生日!Gift from mum and dad! A drawing board! 爸爸媽咪給的禮物!小畫板!
Happy 3rd birthday! 三歲生日!Gift from mum and dad! A drawing board! 爸爸媽咪給的禮物!小畫板!
Happy 3rd birthday! 三歲生日!Gift from mum and dad! A drawing board! 爸爸媽咪給的禮物!小畫板!
Happy 3rd birthday! 三歲生日!Abi's drawing of the whole family! 孟姸畫的全家福!
Happy 3rd birthday! 三歲生日!Abi's drawing of the whole family! 孟姸畫的全家福!
Playing iPad. 玩iPad.
Playing iPad. 玩iPad.
Playing iPad. 玩iPad.
Abi and A-Kuei. 孟姸與阿龜(孟姸幫小鴨鴨取的名字)。
Nine consecutive shots. 九連拍。
Stripe outfit. 條紋穿著。
Stripe outfit. 條紋穿著。
Hiphop look. 嬉哈路線。
Hiphop look. 嬉哈路線。
Happy 3rd birthday! 三歲生日!With grandparents! 跟外公外婆!
Happy 3rd birthday! 三歲生日!With grandparents! 跟外公外婆!
Happy 3rd birthday! 三歲生日!With grandparents! 跟外公外婆!
Happy 3rd birthday! 三歲生日!With grandparents! 跟外公外婆!
Happy 3rd birthday! 三歲生日!With grandparents! 跟外公外婆!
Happy 3rd birthday! 三歲生日!With grandparents! 跟外公外婆!
Happy 3rd birthday! 三歲生日!With grandparents! 跟外公外婆!
Happy 3rd birthday! 三歲生日!With grandparents! 跟外公外婆!
Happy 3rd birthday! 三歲生日!Eating cake. 吃蛋糕。
Happy 3rd birthday! 三歲生日!Eating cake. 吃蛋糕。
Happy 3rd birthday! 三歲生日!Eating cake. 吃蛋糕。
Happy 3rd birthday! 三歲生日!Eating cake. 吃蛋糕。
Happy 3rd birthday! 三歲生日!Eating cake. 吃蛋糕。
Happy 3rd birthday! 三歲生日!Eating cake. 吃蛋糕。
Happy 3rd birthday! 三歲生日!Bear toy, gift from Chloe! 熊熊玩具,Chloe阿姨給的禮物!
Happy 3rd birthday! 三歲生日!Bear toy, gift from Chloe! 熊熊玩具,Chloe阿姨給的禮物!
Happy 3rd birthday! 三歲生日!Bear toy, gift from Chloe! 熊熊玩具,Chloe阿姨給的禮物!
Happy 3rd birthday! 三歲生日!Bear toy, gift from Chloe! 熊熊玩具,Chloe阿姨給的禮物!
Happy 3rd birthday! 三歲生日!Bear toy, gift from Chloe! 熊熊玩具,Chloe阿姨給的禮物!
Happy 3rd birthday! 三歲生日!Bear toy, gift from Chloe! 熊熊玩具,Chloe阿姨給的禮物!
Happy 3rd birthday! 三歲生日!
Happy 3rd birthday! 三歲生日!
Happy 3rd birthday! 三歲生日!

Day 1091 – 生日快樂!

≫ 生日快樂!



Happy 3rd birthday! 三歲生日!- Happy birthday! 生日快樂!
Happy 3rd birthday! 三歲生日!- Cute tiger birthday cake. 可愛小虎生日蛋糕。
Happy 3rd birthday! 三歲生日!- Cute tiger birthday cake. 可愛小虎生日蛋糕。
Happy 3rd birthday! 三歲生日!- Cute tiger birthday cake. 可愛小虎生日蛋糕。
Happy 3rd birthday! 三歲生日!- Cute tiger birthday cake. 可愛小虎生日蛋糕。
Happy 3rd birthday! 三歲生日!- Cute tiger birthday cake. 可愛小虎生日蛋糕。
Happy 3rd birthday! 三歲生日!- Cute tiger birthday cake. 可愛小虎生日蛋糕。
Happy 3rd birthday! 三歲生日!- With grandparents! 跟爺爺奶奶一起拍照喔!
Happy 3rd birthday! 三歲生日!- With grandparents! 跟爺爺奶奶一起拍照喔!
Happy 3rd birthday! 三歲生日!- Family portrait! 全家福!
Happy 3rd birthday! 三歲生日!- Mummy and Abi.  媽咪與孟姸!
Happy 3rd birthday! 三歲生日!- Mummy and Abi.  媽咪與孟姸!
Happy 3rd birthday! 三歲生日!- Mummy and Abi.  媽咪與孟姸!
Happy 3rd birthday! 三歲生日!- Mummy and Abi.  媽咪與孟姸!
Happy 3rd birthday! 三歲生日!- Mummy and Abi.  媽咪與孟姸!
Happy 3rd birthday! 三歲生日!- Mummy and Abi.  媽咪與孟姸!
Happy 3rd birthday! 三歲生日!- Mummy and Abi.  媽咪與孟姸!
Happy 3rd birthday! 三歲生日!- Cutting cake! 切蛋糕了喔!
Happy 3rd birthday! 三歲生日!- Eating cake. 吃蛋糕!
Happy 3rd birthday! 三歲生日!- Eating cake. 吃蛋糕!
Happy 3rd birthday! 三歲生日!- Eating cake. 吃蛋糕!
Happy 3rd birthday! 三歲生日!- Eating cake. 吃蛋糕!
Happy 3rd birthday! 三歲生日!- Eating cake. 吃蛋糕!
Happy 3rd birthday! 三歲生日!- Eating cake. 吃蛋糕!
Happy 3rd birthday! 三歲生日!- Eating cake. 吃蛋糕!
Happy 3rd birthday! 三歲生日!- Eating cake. 吃蛋糕!
Happy 3rd birthday! 三歲生日!- Eating cake. 吃蛋糕!
Happy 3rd birthday! 三歲生日!- Eating cake. 吃蛋糕!
Happy 3rd birthday! 三歲生日!- Eating cake. 吃蛋糕!
Happy 3rd birthday! 三歲生日!- Eating cake. 吃蛋糕!
Happy 3rd birthday! 三歲生日!- Eating cake. 吃蛋糕!
Happy 3rd birthday! 三歲生日!- Eating cake. 吃蛋糕!
Happy 3rd birthday! 三歲生日!- Eating cake. 吃蛋糕!