Day 903 – 開心的一天!

≫ 開心的一天!





Self portrait with mummy (in the car). 媽咪與孟姸在車上自拍。
Self portrait with mummy (in the car). 媽咪與孟姸在車上自拍。
Take a break on the way to Taichung.  半途中休息 - 湖口休息站。
Take a break on the way to Taichung.  半途中休息 - 湖口休息站。
Self portrait with mummy (at the farm). 媽咪與孟姸在勇旺羊媽媽農場自拍。
Self portrait with mummy (at the farm). 媽咪與孟姸在勇旺羊媽媽農場自拍。
Abi and Melody. 孟姸與樂樂!
Fabulous country style luncheon! 美味台味午餐!
Mummy, Abi and goats. 媽咪與孟姸跟羊妹妹拍照。
Abi feeding goat. 孟姸餵羊妹妹吃葉子。
Abi feeding goat. 孟姸餵羊妹妹吃葉子。
Abi having great fun at the farm! 孟姸超開心!
Abi having great fun at the farm! 孟姸超開心!
Daddy and Alex. 爸爸與Alex合照!

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