Day 582 – 中正紀念堂跑跑跳跳~

≫ 很愛戶外!





Abi and grandpa. 孟姸與外公。
Abi and grandpa. 孟姸與外公。
Abi and grandpa. 孟姸與外公。
Abi looking at the sky. 孟姸看著天空!
Abi is in a real good mood! 孟姸的心情超好的喔!
Abi is in a real good mood! 孟姸的心情超好的喔!
Abi is in a real good mood! 孟姸的心情超好的喔!
Abi is in a real good mood! 孟姸的心情超好的喔!
Abi is in a real good mood! 孟姸的心情超好的喔!
Abi is in a real good mood! 孟姸的心情超好的喔!
Abi is in a real good mood! 孟姸的心情超好的喔!
Abi sitting down. 孟姸坐坐~
Abi and mummy! 孟姸與媽咪!
Abi and mummy! 孟姸與媽咪!
Abi and grandparents. 孟姸與外公外婆!
Abi and grandpa. 孟姸與外公。
Abi dancing! 孟姸跳舞中!
Abi dancing! 孟姸跳舞中!
Thirsty for waster! 口渴要喝水水!
Inside Chiang Kai-shek Memorial Hall. 在中正紀念堂大廳。
Inside Chiang Kai-shek Memorial Hall. 在中正紀念堂大廳。
Inside Chiang Kai-shek Memorial Hall. 在中正紀念堂大廳。
Inside Chiang Kai-shek Memorial Hall. 在中正紀念堂大廳。
Happy clapping! 開心拍拍手!
Super happy with mummy! 跟媽咪超級開心!
Super happy with mummy! 跟媽咪超級開心!
Long stairwell. 往中正紀念堂大廳的樓梯。
Abi and Abi look alike! 孟姸媽咪好像姐妹喔!
Abi and Abi look alike! 孟姸媽咪好像姐妹喔!
Abi is super cute with mummy. 孟姸跟媽咪一起拍照超可愛的!
Abi is super cute with mummy. 孟姸跟媽咪一起拍照超可愛的!

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